A board member whom Kris knew from previous work brought her to Forward Momentum’s attention to lead a comprehensive project impacting almost every aspect of the organization. Kris supported FMC in overhauling its HR processes and helped to develop new policies to increase operational efficiencies. Kris conducted a personnel audit resulting in a new job description being adopted for each position, with responsibilities and lines of supervision clarified. That audit also resulted in the decision to outsource several functions and Kris wrote the Requests for Proposals and contacted potential service providers.
She researched nonprofit salaries and benefits and developed new salary ranges and recommended changes to the benefits program to be more supportive of the staff. A professional development plan was written for the newly promoted Director of Operations and HR and Kris conducted a training workshop to teach staff how to develop S.M.A.R.T.I.E. goals so that annual goal setting would be incorporated into the organization. The 6-month project ended, leaving Forward Momentum with a solid internal foundation enabling them to stabilize, grow their programming, and further realize their vision of providing dance education to communities with limited arts access.

Tammy Hsu-Hartenstine, MAM, Then Director of Operations and HR, Forward Momentum Chicago, now Director of Finance and Administration, Rebuilding Exchange
“Working with Kris brought so much more value to the idea of a "consultant" as she took the time to work with the staff and me to really build solutions that fit the organization. She didn't just bring her expertise to tell us what we should do, but rather met with leadership and staff individually to conduct a thorough audit and proposed solutions and action steps that could work for the size and personalities of FMC.”
“The project with Kris not only strengthened the organization, but also provided invaluable professional development for myself in the areas of Human Resources and Operations. Working with Kris was not a "one-and-done" relationship as she continued to serve FMC by sharing job postings and continues to be a valued colleague and coach as I continue on in my career.“